

I provide a gentle, yet active approach to helping people with stress, anxiety, relationship and addictive issues. In my over 30 years of psychotherapy practice I have provided a healing environment where individuals and couples make healthier decisions, reduce depression and behavioral problems.  My style is straightforward and caring. I utilize brief therapy, EMDR and hypnosis. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, retired Professor of Psychology and Gambling and Substance Abuse Specialist.

• Have you been feeling anxious or stressed?
• Do you find yourself having the same arguments or problems with your spouse/family?
• Are you worried about a behavior or a potential addiction?

If you answered "yes" to any of these, please contact me to learn practical solutions to improve your relationships and the quality of your life.

FREE treatment for Problem Gamblers and their Families. I am approved through the CA  Gambling Education and Treatment Services and UCLA to provide psychotherapy for gamblers and their families at no cost. Call, text or contact me for more information.

Recent articles :

Heal / Thy Communication
One Minute Stress Reliever: 5-4-3-2-1
The Olympic Torch of Hope - Transitioning from Addictions